Hosted by Paws N Claws 911, this class is designed for anyone with an interest in “pawtecting” the safety and wellness of animals. Training is geared toward pet parents, pet care professionals (groomer, sitter/walker, kennel staff, vet tech), and animal rescue volunteers (No prior training/experience required). Taught by a 30+year seasoned pre-hospital emergency medical care provider and educator, this highly interactive training (no slides or video) features an emphasis on hands-on skills practice to ensure proficiency in the life-saving skills taught.
Hands on Skills Practice
Emergency Muzzling & Restraint
Vital Signs Assessment
CPR (Canine & Feline)
Choking Management (Conscious & Unconscious)
Bleeding Control/Shock Management
Medical Emergencies (Seizures, Positioning, Bloat)
Environmental Emergencies-Pet Safety & Wellness
Two Classes:
$65 per person (includes handbook, certificate, and emergency muzzle)
To register visit and click “Register Online”
Pre-registration/Payment Required