Foster Spotlight: Leslie Davis

Leslie Davis (@adorablefosters on Instagram) knows a thing or two about fostering. Over the last 6.5 years, she has fostered around 200 kittens.

“I’m the type of person that when I drop off, I pick up. It’s a constant cycle,” she said.

It all started when her daughter found a kitten on the back step. Leslie took the kitten to the vet, fostered her, and eventually adopted her. It was then she started getting involved on Instagram with different foster accounts.  Leslie had adopted a dog from Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter 16 years prior, so she filled out an application to foster and had 3 little kittens at home a few weeks later.

“Ever since then, it’s my passion,” she said. “You get the best part of the kittens. You get the kittens in your home, make sure they’re healthy, socialized, vaccinated, and used to being in that home environment instead of sitting in a shelter in a cage. Yes, all their needs will be met in the shelter, but a home environment where it’s one on one is very invaluable. Fostering to me it’s just so important. It fills that little void, I’m only as happy as how many kittens I have in the house.  A lot of people ask me, ‘how do you not keep them all?’ I’m serving a purpose, I’m getting them out. I have a 100% adoption rate. I don’t have one sitting here that has been waiting years to be adopted. It’s just such a wonderful feeling to be able to help them and I feel like I’m doing such a service. For the people who say how do you give them up – If I kept them all, how would I have room for others? I already have 2 dogs and a semi-feral cat. Each one takes a piece of my heart, but it’s amazing how big your heart is.”

Leslie recently fostered a litter of 7 kittens, her largest yet. She trapped the feral mother Skye and brought her straight to Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter.  Skye gave birth about 30 hours after she arrived at MPAS. We are happy to report that all 7 kittens have been adopted and are now in their forever homes. The once feral Skye has also been adopted and is now living her best life as a loving house cat who just wants scratches and attention. Fostering works!

“I’ve had very difficult cases, leukemia kittens, respiratory infections, serious eye infections, you name it. All the difficult cases seem to come to me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I live to make them healthy and have a happy home. Every single one of my kittens has found a home. I’ve had lots of repeats, everyone knows me as the crazy cat lady,” she said.

Leslie highly recommends joining the fostering program.

“Just do it! Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter has an amazing program. You’re supplied the litter, the food, it’s a no-brainer. Mt. Pleasant gives everything that could possibly be needed and the kittens don’t need much. They just need love, attention, and a little room. Some people use a bathroom. It doesn’t take much, but it means a whole lot and does a whole lot,” she said.

Leslie provides “Foster Follies” to her potential adopters, explaining the cat’s strengths and weaknesses in addition to personality. “That’s all something that you learn when they’re in your house for 8 weeks. It’s like getting to know a person. In that aspect, you’re just helping the adoptor have a successful adoption. You’re giving that animal a better step up,” she explained.

Thank you, Leslie, for all that you do!

Being a foster is a wonderful chance to nurture an innocent animal and give it a chance for a new life. Plus, it doesn’t cost a thing! Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter provides all food, toys, medical treatment, and supplies while you provide the love and attention. You simply add the love! Learn more about becoming a foster at